About Us

Vivekananda Global University is one of the leading private universities of Jaipur. Students at VGU are provided with ample amount of opportunities to develop on both the fronts, personal as well as professional. In recent years, VGU has received numerous of recognition and titles in category of education, research & building sustainability. Being just 8 years young, VGU has set up thousands of benchmarks and has become the fastest growing university of India.
Leading Private University in Jaipur
Holistic Development
Accolades in Education, Research, and Sustainability
Rapid Growth

Our Vision
- Flexible, high-quality online learning beyond classrooms.
- Engaging opportunities at individual pace.
- Empowering non-traditional learners with personalized, quality education.
Flexible Learning
Engaging Education
Quality Online Education

Our Mission
To enter into strategic collaborative alliances with other Higher Educational Institutions to promote ODL (Open and Distance Learning) and OL (Online Learning ) Modes. To enhance learner engagement in ODL and OL Modes by utilising cutting-edge learning strategies, evaluation techniques, and dynamic learning technologies. To Reach the Unreached by aligning marketing efforts with enrollment demands and growth opportunities to achieve enrollment goals.